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Union Lido 1.1
Scopri il catalogo digitale di Union Lido,ilprimo campeggio 5 stelle in Italia situato nella capitaleeuropeadel turismo all’aria aperta: Cavallino, a duepassidall’incantevole città di Venezia.Uno strumento interattivo facile e divertente, tutto dasfogliare,che ti permetterà di conoscere l’offerta unica evariegata diquesta struttura e avere accesso a contenutiesclusivi.Lasciati ispirare dalle proposte ricettive firmate UnionLido!- Camping, 60 ettari di campeggio, un’oasi fronte mare immersanelverde dei pini.- Lodging, soluzioni abitative glamping, tende di lusso,campinghome e mobile home di nuova concezione.- Art&Park Hotel, per gli amanti della vacanza di classe,unambiente accogliente ed elegante, un servizio attentoaiparticolari.- Dog Camp, un campeggio… nel campeggio; un’areainteramentededicata agli amici a 4 zampe e ai loro proprietari conuna varietàincredibile di proposte.In più, il Parco Vacanze offre due Aqua Park, duecentribenessere, tante proposte shopping, ristoranti e localitipici pergli amanti della buona cucina e un mare di servizi amisura difamiglia.Scarica sul tuo tablet e vieni a conoscere lo straordinariomondoUnion Lido!Discover thedigitalcatalog of Union Lido, the first 5-star camping in Italylocated inthe European capital of outdoor tourism Cavallino, neartheenchanting city of Venice.An interactive tool easy and fun to browse around, you willlearnabout the unique and varied offer of this structure and haveaccessto exclusive content.Be inspired by the proposals accommodation signed Union Lido!- Camping, 60 hectares of camping, beachfront oasis surroundedbygreen pine trees.- Lodging, housing solutions glamping, luxury tents, campinghomemobile home and a new concept.- Art & Park Hotel, for lovers of the holiday class, a cozyandelegant ambience, attentive service to detail.- Dog Camp, a camping ... in camp; an area dedicated to the4-leggedfriends and their owners with an incredible variety ofproposals.In addition, the holiday park offers two Aqua Park, twohealthclubs, many proposals shopping, restaurants and cafes forlovers ofgood food and a lot of services for families.Download to your tablet and come to know the extraordinarysiteUnion Lido!
Union Lido DE 1.0
Entdecken Sie den digitalen Katalog desUnionLido, der erste 5-Sterne-Campingplatz in Italien, dereuropäischenHauptstadt des Outdoor-Tourismus: Cavallino, ganz inder Nähe derzauberhaften StadtVenedig.Ein interaktives Tool, einfach und lustig, zum Stöbern, dasIhnenermöglichst, das einzigartige und abwechslungsreiche AngebotdieserStruktur kennenzulernen und Zugang zu exklusiven Leistungenzuhaben.Lassen Sie sich von den Union LidoUnterkunfts-Vorschlägeninspirieren!- Camping, 60 Hektar Campingfläche, eine Oase direkt amMeer,umgeben von grünen Pinienbäumen.- Lodging, Wohnvorschläge Glamping, Luxuszelte, Camping HomeundMobile Home neuester Konzeption.- Art&Park Hotel, für Liebhaber eines stilvollen Urlaubs,eingemütliches und elegantes Ambiente, ein aufmerksamer Servicefürjedes Detail.- Dog Camp, ein Campingplatz... im Campingplatz; ein Bereich,derden 4-beinigen Freunden und ihren Besitzern gewidmet ist, miteinerunglaublichen Angebotsvielfalt.Darüber hinaus bietet der Parco Vacanze zwei Aqua Parks,zweiWellnesscenter, viele Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Restaurantsundtypische Lokale für Liebhaber der guten Küche und eine ReihevonDienstleistungen, die auf die Bedürfnisse vonFamilienzugeschnitten sind.Laden Sie auf Ihrem tablet herunter und lernen Siedieaußergewöhnliche Union Lido Welt kennen!Discover thedigitalcatalog of Union Lido, the first 5-star campsite in Italy,theEuropean capital of outdoor tourism: Cavallino, very close totheenchanting city of Venice.An interactive tool easy and fun to browse, the ermöglichst youtomeet the unique and varied offer of this structure and tohaveaccess to exclusive services.Let yourself be inspired Listing proposals from theUnionLido!- Camping, 60 hectare camping area, an oasis by the sea,surroundedby green pine trees.- Lodging, residential proposals Glamping, luxury tents,CampingHome and Mobile Home newest conception.- Art & Park Hotel, for those who love a stylish holiday, acozyand elegant ambience, attentive service to every detail.- Dog Camp, a camping ... Camping in; an area dedicated tothe4-legged friends and their owners, with an incredible variety.In addition, the Parco Vacanze offers two water parks,twowellness center, many shops, restaurants and typical for loversofgood food and a range of services that are tailored to the needsoffamilies.Download on your tablet and learn about the extraordinary UnionLidoknow world!
Union Lido EN 1.0
Discover the digital catalogue of UnionLido,the first 5-star campsite in Italy, located in the Europeancapitalof the open-air tourism: Cavallino, near the charming cityofVenice.An interactive, easy and funny instrument, to be browsed, whichwilllet you know the unique and varied offer of this campsite andtohave access to exclusive content.Let yourself be inspired by the accommodation proposal ofUnionLido!- Camping, 60 hectares of campsite, a sea front oasis insidethegreen of pines.- Lodging, glamping housing solutions, luxury tents, campinghome,and newly designed mobile home.- Art&Park Hotel, for the lovers of a classy holiday,acomfortable and elegant location and a service attentive tothedetail.- Dog Camp, a campsite... in the campsite; an area dedicated toourfour-legged friends and to their owner with a lot of proposals.In addition to all this, our “Parco Vacanze” offers 2 AquaParks,2 wellness centres, shopping proposal, restaurants andtypical barsfor the lovers of the good food and services forfamilies.Download this app into your iPad and come to discovertheextraordinary world of Union Lido!
my Union Lido 6.1.4
Union Lido World in an app rich of functionality for your holiday